Typical Lease Terms in Champaign-Urbana

Note: No units are currently available for rent at this location.

Champaign Urbana is influenced by the academic calendar of the University of Illinois.  Often people who are not students are surprised to learn that most of our leases run from August of one year to August of the next year because of the University schedule.  Some apartments are available in January for second semester.

Another important point is that most leases are for one year, so even if you won’t be in town for the summer, you probably will be paying rent.  Usually your lease will allow you to sublet your apartment with the approval of your landlord, but be aware that there are a lot of summer sublets, so you may not be able to find someone to sublet or you may have to rent your place for less than what you are obligated to pay.

Additional caveat:  When you sublet your apartment, you are still responsible for your lease—-rent and any damage.